


Tomatoes are very healthy vegetables loved by people. They are a source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals. They are high in potassium and lycopene, which are substances with antioxidant properties that slow down the ageing process. Processing does not reduce the value of this vegetable, on the contrary, in processed lycopene, there is 2-3 times more than in fresh tomatoes.

What are the health benefits of tomatoes?
1. Tomatoes prevent atherosclerosis due to the acid they contain, which in the liver cells increases the oxidation of fatty acids and reduces the accumulation of triglycerides in them. The pectin in tomatoes helps lower cholesterol levels, and the beneficial lycopene is good for the heart.
2. Tomatoes have cancer-fighting properties - Studies show that men who regularly eat tomatoes are 34% less likely to develop prostate cancer, and lycopene reduces the risk of cervical cancer in women.
3. Tomatoes have a diuretic effect, due to a large amount of potassium, they lower blood pressure and affect the work of the heart.
4. Tomatoes improve immunity thanks to the vitamin C they contain.
5. Tomatoes support digestion thanks to their fibre.
6. Tomatoes improve the work of the nervous system, which is affected by bromine.
7. Tomatoes have excellent properties thanks to their vitamins. Blood vessels are strengthened with vitamin C, which also oxygenates them. Vitamins A and E help moisturize the skin and delay the appearance of wrinkles. Cosmetics containing tomato extracts improve skin tone and soothe acne lesions.

Interesting facts:

  • Dried tomatoes contain more lycopene, nutrients (especially fibre) and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium) than fresh tomatoes.
  • 100 g of tomatoes is only 18 kcal, which means they are helpful in the fight against excess weight.
  • Tomatoes consist of 94% of water, which is why they perfectly quench thirst.
  • Tomatoes also contain micronutrients such as manganese, copper, and cobalt.
  • Combining tomato and cucumber, for example in a salad, causes a loss of vitamin C, so it is worth pouring olive oil over them before mixing these two vegetables, which will additionally contribute to better absorption of lycopene from tomatoes.
  • People with gout and RA should not eat too many tomatoes.
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