Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
1. Can food supplements be used for treating diseases?
No. By no means should vitamins, minerals and other food supplements be used to treat diseases. Your doctor can use the results of hair element analysis as an additional test which provides information about the nutrition status of the patient, and take it into account while recommending classic methods of treatment.
2. Can the nutrition status of the patient be assessed on the basis of Elemental Hair Analysis (EHA)?
Yes. Basing on available publications and our experience (more than 100 thousand analyses), we believe that this is one of the best diagnostic methods which assess the nutrition status of patients. In the interpretation of results, we attempt to determine the patient’s metabolic type and recommend the best diet. We also give advice related to food and provide the programme of chronoselective vitamin and mineral supplementation. Vitamin and mineral supplementation is becoming indispensable nowadays, but it should be remembered that surpluses of nutrients are just as harmful as deficiencies.
3. Can you recognize diseases on the basic of Hair Element Analysis?
No. The results of hair element analysis describe the course of a part of mineral transformation taking place in the months preceding the cutting. Tested hair is 3-4-centimetre long, and it grows 1 cm per month, which means that we have an averaged picture of a part of the mineral transformation from the last 3-4 months. The mineral transformation reflects the neuroendocrine functions which are affected by countless factors from the inside and outside of the body.
When characterizing the mineral transformation, we notice some phenomena on the orthomolecular level, i.e. on the level of biochemical balances in body cells. In the long run, these balances may lead to metabolic disorders in the future. This means that on the basis of hair element analysis we are able to notice some health-related tendencies. There is no formal basis to recognize any disease, as diseases are recognized from blood and urine tests. The content of many biochemical compounds in blood lets the doctor recognize the disease and trace its progress.
4. What elements do we test?
Trace elements: bar, boron, chrome, tin, zinc, phosphorus,germanium, iodine, cobalt, silicon, lithium, magnesium, manganese,
copper, molybdenum, nickel, potassium, selenium, sulphur, sodium, strontium, vanadium, calcium, iron
Toxic elements: arsenic, aluminum, cadmium, lead, mercury
5. Should hair be washed before cutting a sample for analysis?
Yes, because contamination which accumulates on the surface of unwashed hair may influence analysis results.
6. How long should I wait after dying or waving my hair in order for it to be suitable for mineral analysis?
Hair submitted for analysis should not be longer than 4 cm, counting from the scalp.
7. Can hair submitted for analysis be coloured or permed?
No, because chemical compounds included in hair dyes and waving lotions may affect the mineral composition of hair, which in turn may alter the analysis results.
8. How long should I wait after dying or waving my hair in order for it to be suitable for mineral analysis?
Before cutting hair for analysis after dying or waving your hair, you should wait minimum 6-8 weeks and send only the natural “roots” for analysis.
9. What amount of nail tissue is sufficient for analysis?
About 100 mg (one teaspoonful) of nail tissue should be submitted for analysis. Only hand fingernails are suitable. Nails should be cut from all the fingers of both hands. They should be clean, with no polish or other contaminations.
10. Is it possible (and if so, in what cases) to ecpedite the analysis?
The analysis can be expedited only in reasonable cases (and if lab conditions permit), e.g.:
- hormonal treatment
- chronic inflammations
- cancers, in order to support classic pharmacological treatment
11. When should a payment for analysis be made?
Payment for analysis should be made before the material is sent to the laboratory.
12. How long after cutting should a hair sample be sent to the laboratory for analysis?
The results of hair mineral analysis refer to the period in which the tested hair was growing. If the lifestyle and diet have not changed, and if the patient has not been using supplements which could influence the analysis results, this may be up to two months since the hair sample has been cut.
13. Why is it hair, not blood, that is tested for mineral analysis?
Hair is one of the most active tissues in terms of metabolism, and it provides constant information about the metabolic activity of the organism. The level of elements in hair reflects the level of these same elements in inner tissues, but their concentration is much higher than that in blood or serum, which makes testing for them easier. Blood and serum analysis does not reflect the current concentration of elements in the organism because of homeostatic mechanisms which regulate their level. Surplus of elements accumulated in the organism is often undetectable in serum, as the elements move from blood to tissues.
14. Is it possibility to cut the sample in yours company in Lodz?
No. The prepared hair sample for analysis can be delivered in person to the Biomol facility or via post, courier.
15. Is there a necessity to bring my hair sample personal by me?
There is no such necessity. A signed hair sample can be sent by post or courier.
16. Is it possible to send the result abroad?
Yes. We provide services to patients from around the world. Printing and sending the result outside of Poland costs PLN 30.
17. How long does the EHA take?
The EHA health program lasts 15 working days (from the moment we receive a hair sample and quesstionnaire is completed in system).
The EHA analytical program lasts 10 business days (from the moment we receive a hair sample and quesstionnaire is completed in system).
18. What is the difference between EHA health program and EHA analytical program?
The EHA result of the health program includes:
- determination of 29 elements in the hair, including 5 toxic elements,
- the most important proportions between the elements,
- individual diet for 7 days and recommendations for physical activity,
- metabolic type characteristics,
- 2 supplementation programs: compensatory for 1-3 months and preventive for 6 months.
The EHA result of the analytical program contains only:
- determination of 29 elements in the hair, including 5 toxic elements.
19. Is it possible to consult the result of analysis with doctor ?
No. The result is structured and comprehensive so that every patient understands the condition of their body after reading it. If you have questions about the result, please contact us by email.
20. What does the EHA result look like and what does it contain?
An example of the EHA result can be seen on our website www.biomol.pl, in the "SERVICES" tab.
21. Is this analysis painful?
The EHA test is painless. Hair should be cut (DO NOT PULL!) At the scalp from various places on the back of the head (from ear to ear).
22. How should I pack my hair for analysis?
Prepared hair (1 tablespoon of washed, non-dyed, cut out at the back of the head, 2-4 cm of hair) should be packed in a clean plastic bag or paper envelope and signed with: analyis's number and the patient's name and surname.
23. Is it possible to buy a description for an analytical program of EHA analysis?
Yes, up to a year after get the result of EHA analytical program. If you want to get this service , please contact us by email.