How to do Analysis ?

  • 1. In the shop tab, click on the desired analysis.
  • 2. Please refer to the product sheet and see a example result.
  • 3. Choose:
    • a version of the result from among the two available: electronic * or printed version sent outside of Poland
    • language version of the result.

    * the printed result is also sent electronically

    Answer questions about the patient's age and food intolerances
    • the price will be updated to the selected versions of the result,
    • the add to cart button will appear.
  • screenshot2021-01-04-elemental-hair-analysis-health-programme-biomol-med-shop2.png

    4. Click order
    • clicking on the shopping cart icon will bring you up the cart tab, in which you should click order
  • screenshot2021-01-04-biomol.png
    5. Complete the form
  • 6. Select a payment method
  • screenshot2021-01-04-biomol2.png
    7. Read carefully and accept the consent. Click "I buy and pay"
    • you will be redirected to where you will make a deposit according to your choice
  • screenshot2021-01-04-biomol-med-ankieta-do-analizy-pierwiastkowej.png
    8. After paying for the analysis, you will receive to the e-mail address provided in the form:
    • analysis number,
    • e-questionnaire link and pin.

    Click on the link and enter the pin,
    Complete the questionnaire.

  • screenshot2020-09-23-analiza-pierwiastkowa-wlosow-analiza-pierwiastkowa-wlosow-indywidualne-odzywianie-dietetyka-20letn...1.png

    9. Cut the hair sample:

    In order to be suitable for analysis your hair needs to be:

    • natural (i.e. not dyed)
    • clean (without styling cosmetics, such as gels, mousses or sprays)

    Cut the hair:

    • with sharp scissors
    • cut the hair near the scalp on the occiput (at the back of your head between the ears)
    • cut a few small patches in various spots on the occiput only the first 3 - 4 cm (1.5 inches) of hair measured from the scalp are suitable for analysis - if your hair are longer send only the first 3 - 4 cm (1.5 inches) for the analysis
    • we require 200 - 300 mg (0,007 - 0,01 oz) of a hair sample for the analysis (about one tablespoonful)

    If your hair is too short:
    The minimum length of hair to be tested is 2 cm. If the hair does not have the required length, wait until regrowth.

    If your hair is dyed:
    If your hair has been dyed recently, you should wait at least 8 weeks for dyeing and then cut it for 3-4 cm from the scalp.

    10. Pack the sample in a clean envelope or a foil bag and SIGN it (the analysis number along with the patient's name and surname)

    11. Send the sample itself to the following address:

    NZOZ Biomol-Med Sp. z o.o. , ul. Huta Jagodnica 41, 94-412 Lodz, Poland

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