Detoxification and Nutrition programme

  • Detoxification and Nutrition programme

    Two thousand years ago, several million people lived in the world. The industrial revolution, which began in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, quickly changed the world. At the beginning of the 19th century, the world's population exceeded one billion to double by the end of the 20th century. At the end of the 20th century it was over 5 billion. In 2017, there were 7 billion 550 million people in the world. Currently, the annual increase in the number of human population is estimated at 1.12%. In 2023, the world's population will increase to 8 billion, and around 2056 to 10 billion. Society will be getting older. In the mid-21st century, the average age of all Earth's inhabitants will reach 36 years. Currently, it is 29.9 years.

    Civilization changes on Earth determine changes in the environment of human life. Human health is shaped by:
    - genetics (we will inherit it from parents, grandparents, etc.),
    - biogeochemistry (relationships between environmental factors),
    - lifestyle (place of the individual in population structures, pace of life, goals, methods, etc.).

    In particular, biogeochemical and lifestyle changes are taking place at a rate previously unheard of. These two areas directly shape human epigenetics, a field of knowledge that we are slowly coming to understand. The growing human population requires an increasing amount of food. In order to produce more food, we have introduced:
    - agriculture monoculture, which requires specific agricultural chemistry,
    - genetic selection of farm animals,
    - degradative water management.

    Thanks to this, we produce large amounts of food that is very rich in calories, but low in nutrients. In order for a person to be able to eat all the necessary nutrients every day, they would have to consume many kilograms of nutrient daily (in the scientific literature you can find divergent data, however, it is always large amounts of food). Today's economic division of the Earth's resources leads to a lack of organic carbon in soils, a lack of proper bacteria in soils, the absence of silicon, zinc, magnesium... etc. As a result, we are changing the Earth's crust and troposphere.
    Medical statistics are dramatic. They point to a very rapid increase in the number of civilization diseases (it is estimated that in 30 years every second person on Earth will have cancer).
    In the last 20-30 years, the quality of the human trophic chain has changed. Along with the food content, we eat preservatives, dyes, fillers, etc. Around us and in our digestive system, the amount and composition of bacteria changes. There is a decreasing amount of basic nutritional elements in our foods, i.e.: fibre, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants. The nutritional status of each of us is shaped by individual metabolic predispositions, environmental conditions and lifestyle. Nowadays, we do not lack food. However, its easy availability in terms of quantity and poor quality generates unfavourable health trends.

    Human metabolism is shaped by four main processes:
    1. taking in nutrients (digestive and respiratory system),
    2. transport of substrates and biochemical transformation products,
    3. storage by cellular components, tissues and organs,
    4. excretion of unnecessary metabolic products (digestive and respiratory system).

    By analysing the mineral composition of hair, we can learn about the impact on our body of environmental factors, diet and lifestyle. On the basis of the analysis of the proportions between the elements, we can learn about metabolic features and health trends. As a result of hair root analysis, each patient receives the recommendations of:
    - the proper diet (individual diet and vitamin and mineral supplementation programme),
    - appropriate physical activity.

    The basic nutritional programme recommended as a result of elemental hair analysis has two stages. The first, monthly stage is designed to compensate for excess and nutrient deficiencies. The second stage, six months, is intended to consolidate good metabolic trends. The recommended way of eating should be effective. Many of us have gastric issues that will reduce the effects of the nutritional programme. That is why we introduce an additional stage: purification/detoxification. The goal of this stage is to improve the quality of the digestive system and oxygenation of the body. We will improve the work of the digestive system by combining a cleansing diet with a supplementation programme with elements shaping the internal environment of the digestive system (fibres, bacteria, garlic, antioxidants... etc.).

    It should be remembered that disorders or diseases of the digestive system (gastric ulcer, intestinal diverticule, etc.) determine the character of the cleansing/detoxifying programme.
    For proper effect it is necessary to include physical exercises that are conducive to improved oxygenation of the body. We also recommend using balneological techniques.

  • Detoxification - the first stage

    Detoxification - the first stage is cleansing the body.

    Depending on the health condition declared in the Patient's Survey, a 7-day reference diet will be recommended, which should be continued for 14 days along with the recommended supplementation programme. The main task of the cleansing diet is to improve the functioning of the intestines, liver and kidneys. We prepare the body for good nutrition, improve the mechanisms of food absorption and excretion of faeces and urine. In the cleansing stage, we use supplementation to shape the digestive environment.

    • task - preparing the body for effective nutrition
    • duration - 2 weeks
    • recommended dietary supplements: acidophilus bacteria, soluble and insoluble fibres, plant extracts to shape the digestive environment, support the liver and kidneys, magnesium and calcium;
    diets - light, mainly vegetable, containing properly selected fibres (qualitatively and quantitatively).

    See an example of the results of Detoxification and Nutrition programme - the first stage
  • Alignment - the second stage

    Alignment - the second stage is to compensate for deficiencies.

    The second stage is a monthly programme for chrono-selective vitamin and mineral supplementation. The goal of this stage is to compensate for the deficiencies or excess of nutrients. Obtaining the best state of metabolic homeostasis. In the second stage, based on APW, we recommend individual vitamins and minerals supported by an individual diet.

    • task - levelling shortages or excess mineral nutrients
    • duration - 4 weeks
    • recommended dietary supplements: individual nutrients in the right amount and at the right time
    • recommended diet - individual metabolic diet

    See an example of the results of Detoxification and Nutrition programme - the second stage
  • Nutrition - third stage

    This stage is aimed at consolidating good health trends, through the use of multivitamins supported by additional nutritional elements and an individual diet. The nourishing stage lasts 6 months. The individual diet takes into account the composition, quantity and quality of: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. A very important element of the diet is the time food is eaten (e.g. breakfast can be rich in proteins or carbohydrates, etc. ...).

    • task - consolidation of good health trends
    • duration - 6 months
    • recommended dietary supplements: multivitamin supplementation programme
    • recommended diets - individual metabolic diets.

  • What elements do we check?

    Detoxification and Nutrition programme tests the level of the most important elements in the human body – 24 bioelements and 5 toxic elements.

    We mark 29 bioelements:

    24 bioelements: calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, chromium, lithium, strontium, nickel, manganese, selenium, vanadium, boron, bar, sulfur, silver, silicon, iodine, tin and 5 toxic elements: arsenic, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, lead.

  • How to perform the test?

    • add the selected service to the basket,
    • fill in the form,
    • check the required consents,
    • pay the order,
    • you will receive the research number provided in the order, a link to the e-survey and a pin,
    • click on the link and enter the pin,
    • fill in the questionnaire carefully, do not forget to enter any diagnosed diseases and other ailments,
    • after completing the questionnaire, you will receive a Detox e-mail (the first stage of the programme) - 14-day vitamin and mineral supplement along with the recommended 7 day diet template, which you use for two weeks; we will inform you by e-mail when and how you should start using it.
    • cut a hair sample according to the instructions below,
    • pack the sample in a clean envelope or a plastic bag,
    • sign the sample with the examination number along with the name of the patient,
    • send the sample itself to the following address:
    • after sending the sample you have time to complete the appropriate preparations and ingredients of the diet,
    • by e-mail you will receive information about the receipt of the sample and when you should start to use the first stage (Detox),
    • while you are preparing the body for the second and third stage, we use the atomic emission spectrometers ICP-OES and ICP-MS to measure the levels of elements in your body,
    • after 10 working days from the moment you receive the hair sample you will receive: 29 elements contained in your hair, including 5 toxic elements, the most important proportions between elements and their interpretation, metabolic type characteristics, 2 supplementation programmes: compensatory for 1-3 months and nutrition over 6 months, 14 standard day metabolic diets with recipes and recommendations for physical activity.
  • How to prepare sample to analysis:

    In order to be suitable for analysis your hair needs to be:
    • natural (i.e. not dyed)
    • clean (without styling cosmetics, such as gels, mousses or sprays)

    Cut the hair:
    • with sharp scissors
    • cut the hair near the scalp on the occiput (at the back of your head between the ears)
    • cut a few small patches in various spots on the occiput only the first 3 - 4 cm (1.5 inches) of hair measured from the scalp are suitable for analysis - if your hair are longer send only the first 3 - 4 cm (1.5 inches) for the analysis
    • we require 200 - 300 mg (7 - 10 oz) of a hair sample for the analysis (about one tablespoonful)

    If your hair is too short:

    The minimum length of hair to be tested is 2 cm. If the hair does not have the required length, wait until regrowth.

    If your hair is dyed:

    If your hair has been dyed recently, you should wait at least 8 weeks for dyeing and then cut it for 3-4 cm from the scalp.

  • screenshot2020-09-23-analiza-pierwiastkowa-wlosow-analiza-pierwiastkowa-wlosow-indywidualne-odzywianie-dietetyka-20letn...1.png
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