

Spinach is hated by some, adored by others. Its health benefits, and even we would try to determine its medicinal properties and nutritional value, have been known since ancient times. Spinach is rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, lutein, as well as potassium, iron, and folic acid. What are the health benefits of the leaves of this vegetable?
1. Spinach protects us from cancer and atherosclerosis thanks to its antioxidants. This vegetable can be raw and thermally processed - it loses little of its valuable properties when heated.
2. Spinach is rich in magnesium, which helps to regain the nervous balance, relieves the effects of stress, soothes, and prevents headaches.
3. Spinach should be included in the diet of children, pregnant women, and people with anaemia because it is a source of iron and folic acid, which affect the development of the nervous system.
4. Spinach has many important vitamins that regulate the work of our body:
vitamin K helps the blood clotting process;
B vitamins lower cholesterol levels;
vitamins A and E, which help slow down the ageing process of the body.
1. Potassium-rich spinach lowers blood pressure. Thanks to the reaction of potassium with magnesium, spinach regulates the work of the heart.
2. Spinach improves the quality of vision thanks to the carotenoid compounds, lutein and zeaxanthin contained in it.

Interesting facts:
  • Spinach should not be included in the diet of people with kidney problems because the leaves contain oxalic acid, which removes calcium from the body and contributes to the formation of kidney stones.
  • 100g of spinach leaves is only 23 kcal, so it is recommended for people who are on a diet.
  • Potassium and B vitamins contribute to the burning of carbohydrates and fats, and also speed up metabolism.
  • Spinach extract contains thylakoids which prolong the feeling of fullness.
  • Despite the high iron content of spinach (like beef), only 1/5 is absorbed compared to the amount obtained from red meat.

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